Java Programs

Java programs


Number Pattern


star pattern

Alphabet  pattern


Binary pattern





Find elements

Check elements

String manipulation

Java code to reverse the string

Java program to count the total number of characters in the given string

Java program to count total words in the given string


Number manipulation

Java code to reverse a number using loops



Java program to check vowel or consonant using switch case

Program to count upper case or lower case Alphabets in the given string

Java program to count the total number of character including  space of the given string

Program to count vowel or consonant of the given string using ASCII value

Program to count vowel or consonant of the given string

Check whether the given Alphabets is upper or lower case

Program for display all Alphabets using ASCII value in Java

Program for display all Alphabets using loops in Java

Program for display all Alphabets between given range  in Java

Program to check whether given Alphabets is vowel or consonants

Java programming code to check whether the given character is Alphabets or not