C Programs



Write a C program to print an integer

Pattern Programs

Number pattern

Alphabet pattern

Star pattern

Binary pattern







Find elements


Check elements



C code to reverse the string using loops

C program to count the total number of words in the given string

C program to count the total number of character int the given string including space

C program to count the total number of character int the given string



C code to reverse the number using loops



C check whether the given Alphabets is upper case or lower case

C program to check vowel or consonant using switch case

Program to count vowel or consonant of a string in C using ASCII value

C program to count vowel or consonant in a string

C program for display Alphabets using ASCII value

C program to print all Alphabets between the given range using loops

C program to print all upper case and lower case Alphabets

Check whether an Alphabets is a vowel or consonant in c language

Check whether a character is Alphabets or not inc