C Programs
Write a C program to print an integer
Pattern Programs
Number pattern
- Floyd’s triangle Number pattern using nested for in C
- pyramid number pattern in C language using nested for loop
- C program to inverted pyramid number pattern
- C program to triangle number pattern
- Triangle number patterns using nested while loop
- C program to display patterns using do while loop
- Reverse order number pattern in C using for loop
- C program to Reverse order number pattern using while loop
- C program to generate double pyramid number pattern
- C code to display diamond number pattern
- C code to display diamond number pattern using while loop
- C program to display integrated pyramid number pattern using while loop
Alphabet pattern
- C program to display Alphabet pattern
- C program to print Floyd’s triangle Alphabet pattern
- C program to display Alphabet pyramid pattern
- C program to triangle alphabet pattern using while loop
- C code to Alphabet triangle star pattern using do-while loop
Star pattern
- Hollow Floyd’s triangle pattern in C language
- Hollow Pyramid pattern in C Program
- C program to Floyd’s triangle star pattern
- C program to display Pyramid star pattern
- C program to print diamond star pattern
- C program to generate hollow diamond star pattern
- Hollow triangle Pattern using nested while in C
- Hollow Pyramid Pattern using nested while in C
- C code to print double pyramid star pattern
- Display integrated pyramid star pattern in C using while loop
- C program to integrated triangle pattern using for loop
- C Program to print combined pyramid pattern
- Program to print combined pyramid pattern in C using while loop
- C program for solid rectangle or square star pattern
- C program for Hollow rectangle or square star pattern
Binary pattern
- C program to display the multiplication table
- C program to multiply two numbers
- C program to multiply two numbers using function
- Find the product of two numbers in C using recursion
- C program find product of two number using pointer
- C program to multiply two numbers without arithmetic operators
- C program to the sum of two numbers
- C program to the sum of two number using function
- C program to the sum of two number using recursion
- C program to Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
- C program to calculate sum of odd and even numbers
- C program to find sum of natural numbers
- C program to find sum of natural numbers using recursion
- C program to compute the sum of digits in a given number
- C program to add two number using pointer
- C program to add two numbers without using Arithmetic operators
- C program to calculate the average of an array
- C program to calculate sum in array elements
- C program to calculate electricity bill
- Calculate power of a number using recursion in C language
- C program to calculate sum of odd and even numbers
- C code to calculate average of odd and even in an array
- C program to calculate sum of odd and even of an array
- Calculate the average of odd and even numbers in C
Find elements
- Program to find the largest number among three number in C
- Program to find the smallest number among three number in C
- Program to find the largest and smallest number among three number in C
- Program to find the largest and second-largest elements in an array
- C program to find the largest elements of an array
- C program to find the smallest elements of an array
- C program to find the smallest and largest elements of an array
- C program to find middle number among three numbers
- C program to find middle number among three numbers using the function
- C program to find factorial of a number
- C program to find factorial using the function
- C program to find factorial of given number using the pointer
- C program to find factorial of a number using recursion
- C program to find the greatest of three numbers using the function
- C program to find the smallest of three numbers using the function
- C program to find odd or even number using switch statements
Check elements
- C program to check whether a number is even or odd
- C program to check a number is even or odd using the function
- C program to separate Odd and Even numbers from an array
- C program to Electricity bill calculation using the function
- C program to display all even and odd numbers from 1 to n
- C program display odd and even numbers without if statements
- C program to check odd and even numbers using recursion
- C program to display even and odd number in given range
- C program to print even or odd numbers in given range using recursion
- C program to all odd and even numbers 1 to n with label using loops
- C program to check whether a number is positive or Negative or Zero
- Example program to check whether the given number is prime or not
- 5 ways to check whether the given number is odd or even in C
C code to reverse the string using loops
C program to count the total number of words in the given string
C program to count the total number of character int the given string including space
C program to count the total number of character int the given string
C code to reverse the number using loops
C check whether the given Alphabets is upper case or lower case
C program to check vowel or consonant using switch case
Program to count vowel or consonant of a string in C using ASCII value
C program to count vowel or consonant in a string
C program for display Alphabets using ASCII value
C program to print all Alphabets between the given range using loops
C program to print all upper case and lower case Alphabets
Check whether an Alphabets is a vowel or consonant in c language
Check whether a character is Alphabets or not inc