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Three dimension Array in Cpp language
Three dimension Array in Cpp language
In this tutorial, We will learn about Three dimension Array in Cpp language
In the C++ Programming Language, an array is a fixed sequential collection of elements of the same data type. An array can be used to represent a list of numbers(int) or names (string) or other data type of similar elements. It is one of the ways of grouping similar type data with single variables names.
Three types of arrays in Cpp programming language
1. One dimensional array
3. Multi-dimensional array
Three dimensional Array
Now, we will look at three dimensional Array in C++. C++ programming supports multidimensional Array. The multidimensional array is also called a matrix. Here, we will declare the three-dimensional array.
Overview of three dimension array
How to find the index of the element in 3 D array
Declaration of Three dimension Array
Data_type Array_name[size 1][size 2][size 3];
Example 1 – integer Array
int marks[2][3][4];
Example 2 – char Array
char alphabet[3][4][5];
Initialization of three dimension array in C++
int marks[2][3][4]={ {{34,56,76,54},{98,53,86,34},{23,45,67,89}}, {{8,87,76,65},{75,46,52,32},{78,65,84,62}} };
Access elements in the array
insert elements from the array in C++
array name[index][index][index]=value; marks[0][0][0]=45;
display elements from the array in C++
cout<<array name[index][index][index]; cout<<marks[0][0][0];
Program 1
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int marks[2][2][3]; //array index must be index to Zero marks[0][0][0]=45; marks[0][0][1]=67; marks[0][0][2]=23; marks[0][1][0]=98; marks[0][1][1]=15; marks[0][1][2]=70; marks[1][0][0]=87; marks[1][0][1]=76; marks[1][0][2]=65; marks[1][1][0]=63; marks[1][1][1]=50; marks[1][1][2]=37; cout << "marks[0][0][0] :" << marks[0][0][0]<<"\n"; cout << "marks[0][0][1] :" << marks[0][0][1]<<"\n"; cout << "marks[0][0][2] :" << marks[0][0][2]<<"\n"; cout << "marks[0][1][0] :" << marks[0][1][0]<<"\n"; cout << "marks[0][1][1] :" << marks[0][1][1]<<"\n"; cout << "marks[0][1][2] :" << marks[0][1][2]<<"\n"; cout << "marks[1][0][0] :" << marks[1][0][0]<<"\n"; cout << "marks[1][0][1] :" << marks[1][0][1]<<"\n"; cout << "marks[1][0][2] :" << marks[1][0][2]<<"\n"; cout << "marks[1][1][0] :" << marks[1][1][0]<<"\n"; cout << "marks[1][1][1] :" << marks[1][1][1]<<"\n"; cout << "marks[1][1][2] :" << marks[1][1][2]<<"\n"; getch(); return 0; }
When the above code is executed, it produces the following results:
marks[0][0][0]=45; marks[0][0][1]=67; marks[0][0][2]=23; marks[0][1][0]=98; marks[0][1][1]=15; marks[0][1][2]=70; marks[1][0][0]=87; marks[1][0][1]=76; marks[1][0][2]=65; marks[1][1][0]=63; marks[1][1][1]=50; marks[1][1][2]=37;
Program 2
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Three dimension array in C++" << endl; int marks[2][2][3]={ { {56,78,67},{56,78,43}}, {{26,74,76},{36,58,90}}, }; cout<<marks[0][0][0]<<endl; cout<<marks[0][0][1]<<endl; cout<<marks[0][0][2]<<endl; cout<<marks[0][1][0]<<endl; cout<<marks[0][1][1]<<endl; cout<<marks[0][1][2]<<endl; cout<<marks[1][0][0]<<endl; cout<<marks[1][0][1]<<endl; cout<<marks[1][0][2]<<endl; cout<<marks[1][1][0]<<endl; cout<<marks[1][1][1]<<endl; cout<<marks[1][1][2]<<endl; getch(); return 0; }
When the above code is executed, it produces the following results:
Three dimension array in Cpp 56 78 67 56 78 43 26 74 76 36 58 90
Display element of Array using nested for loop
Program 1
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i,j,k; int marks[3][3][3]= { //declaration and initiation { {56,78,56}, {54,34,32}, {43,26,92}, }, { {48,94,62}, {41,39,66}, {68,40,90}, }, { {20,67,84}, {52,51,72}, {60,53,59},} }; cout<<("3 D Array element\n")<<endl; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { for(k=0;k<3;k++){ cout <<(marks[i][j][k]); } cout <<("\n"); } cout <<("\n"); } cout << "End of the program" << endl; return 0; }
When the above code is executed, it produces the following results:
3 D Array element 56,78,56 54,34,32 43,26,92 48,94,62 41,39,66 68,40,90 20,67,84 52,51,72 60,53,59 End of the program
Input and display element of Array using nested for loop
store elements to the array in C++ using for loop
for(int i=0; i<max_array_index; i++){ for(int j=0; j<max_array_index; j++){ for(int j=0; j<max_array_index; j++){ cin>>array_name[i][j][k]; } } }
display elements from the array in C++ using for loop
for(int i=0; i<max_array_index; i++){ for(int j=0; j<max_array_index; j++){ for(int j=0; j<max_array_index; j++){ cout<<array_name[i][j][k]; } } }
C++ program to store the value entered by the user in the three-dimensional array using nested for loop
Program 1
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { string Name[2][2][3];//Array declaration cout << "Enter your Names\n" << endl; for(int i=0; i<=1; i++){//input value using for loop for(int j=0; j<=1; j++){ for(int k=0; k<=2; k++){ cout << "Name["<<i<<"]["<<j<<"]["<<k<<"] :"; cin>> Name[i][j][k];//Ask input for element of array } } } cout << "\nyour input name here" << endl; for(int i=0; i<=1; i++){//Display value using for loop for(int j=0; j<=1; j++){ for(int k=0; k<=2; k++){ cout << "Name["<<i<<"]["<<j<<"]["<<k<<"] :"<<Name[i][j][k]<< endl; //Display element from Array } } } getch(); return 0; }
When the above code is executed, it produces the following results:
Enter your names Name[0][0][0] :Sathu Name[0][0][1] :Khan Name[0][0][2] :Nilu Name[0][1][0] :Suthu Name[0][1][1] :Kuru Name[0][1][2] Jhon Name[1][0][0] :Sam Name[1][0][1] :Sumo Name[1][0][2] :Remi Name[1][1][0] :Ragu Name[1][1][1] :Thivya Name[1][1][2] :Thurai Your input name here Name[0][0][0] :Sathu Name[0][0][1] :Khan Name[0][0][2] :Nilu Name[0][1][0] :Suthu Name[0][1][1] :Kuru Name[0][1][2] Jhon Name[1][0][0] :Sam Name[1][0][1] :Sumo Name[1][0][2] :Remi Name[1][1][0] :Ragu Name[1][1][1] :Thivya Name[1][1][2] :Thurai
Display element of Array using nested while loop
Program 1
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int marks[2][3][3]=//array declaration { {{34,67,54},{37,73,80},{27,54,56} }, {{67,86,33},{52,47,69},{23,42,46} }, }; cout << "Display your marks here :" << endl; int m=0; while(m<=1){ int n=0; while(n<=2){ int l=0; while(l<=1){ cout <<"marks["<<m<<"]["<<n<<"]"<<l<<"]="<<marks[m][n][l]<< endl; l++; } n++; } m++; } cout << "End the program" << endl; getch(); return 0; }
When the above code is executed, it produces the following results:
Display your marks here : marks[0][0][0]=34 marks[0][0][1]=67 marks[0][1][0]=37 marks[0][1][1]=73 marks[0][0][0]=27 marks[0][0][1]=54 marks[1][1][0]=67 marks[1][1][1]=86 marks[1][0][0]=52 marks[1][0][1]=47 marks[1][1][0]=23 marks[1][1][1]=42 End the program
Input and display element of Array using nested while loop
store elements in the array in C++ using while loop
int i=0; while(i<=max_array_index){ int j=0; while(j<=max_array_index){ intk=0; while(j<=max_array_index){ cin>>array_name[i][j][k]; } k++; } j++; } i++;
display elements from the array in C++ using while loop
int i=0; while(i<=max_array_index){ int j=0; while(j<=max_array_index){ intk=0; while(j<=max_array_index){ cout<<array_name[i][j][k]; } k++; } j++; } i++;
C++ program to store the value entered by the user in the three-dimensional array using while loop
Program 1
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { string names[2][3][2]; cout <<"Enter names"<< endl; int i=0; while(i<=1){ int j=0; while(j<=2){ int k=0; while(k<=1){ cout <<"names["<<i<<"]["<<j<<"]["<<k<<"]="; cin>>names[i][j][k]; k++; } j++; } i++; } cout << "\n This names are stored in array :" << endl; int m=0; while(m<=1){ int n=0; while(n<=2){ int l=0; while(l<=1){ cout <<"names["<<m<<"]["<<n<<"]"<<l<<"]="<<names[m][n][l]<< endl; l++; } n++; } m++; } cout << "End of program" << endl; getch(); return 0; }
When the above code is executed, it produces the following results:
Enter names names[0][0][0]=Saru names[0][0][1]=Kuna names[0][1][0]=Joe names[0][1][1]=Jhon names[0][2][0]=Pilib names[0][2][1]=Para names[1][0][0]=Mohi names[1][0][1]=Suba names[1][1][0]=Guru names[1][1][1]=Nila names[1][2][0]=Mala names[1][2][1]=Mathu This names are stored in array names[0][0][0]=Saru names[0][0][1]=Kuna names[0][1][0]=Joe names[0][1][1]=Jhon names[0][2][0]=Pilib names[0][2][1]=Para names[1][0][0]=Mohi names[1][0][1]=Suba names[1][1][0]=Guru names[1][1][1]=Nila names[1][2][0]=Mala names[1][2][1]=Mathu
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