
String handling in Python programming language

String handling in Python programming language

In this tutorial, we will learn about String handling in Python programming language

String in Python

In python language, the string is a set of character set in a particular order. The string can have more than one character and space.

we can manipulate the string in many ways, using the single quote, double quote and triple quote.

Python allows string manipulation of single quote and double quotes in the same way. However, manipulation with triple single quotes and triple double quotes differ.

Know more about String manipulation String methods in Python language

Empty String

An empty string is a string that has zero characters.

String manipulation


Program 1

1.print('Hello world')      //print using with single quote
2. print("Hello world")   //print using with double quotes
3. print('''Hello world''')  //print using with triple-single quotes
4. print("""Hello world""")  //print using with triple-single quotes


Output here

>>> print('Hello world') #String with single quotes
Hello world
>>> print("Hello world") #String with double quotes
Hello world
>>> print('''Hello world''') #String with triple-single quotes
Hello world
>>> print("""Hello world""") #String with triple-double quotes
Hello world


Sring manipulation with variable

 Single quotes are used to assign the string to a variable.


string_1=’Hello world’   //assign a string to the variable using single quotes

print (string_1)               //print string using variable


 Double quotes are used to assign the string to a variable.

strint_2=”Hello Python”  //assign a string to the variable using double quotes

print (string_2)               //print string using variable


 Triple single quotes are used to assign the string to a variable.

strint_3=”’Hello Python”’  //assign a string to the variable using triple -single quotes

print (string_3)               //print string using variable


Triple double quotes are used to assign the string to a variable.

strint_4=”””Hello Python”””  //assign a string to the variable using triple -double quotes

print (string_4)               //print string using variable



program and out put using Python shell

>>> String_1='Hello'
>>> print String_1
>>> String_2="Hello"
>>> print String_2
>>> String_3='''Hello'''
>>> print String_3
>>> String_4="""Hello"""
>>> print String_4


We can use the triple quote to print multiple line string

  1. Print multiple line string using triple single quotes.
Strinng_1='''multiple line string'''


2.Print multiple line string using triple single quotes

Strinng_2="""multiple line string"""



print String_1

String_2="""Python is
                      a best
print String_2



Python is
                      a best


Concatenation of string

We can join two or more string using concatenation of string in Python.

To join more than one string,  (+) operator is used.

String concatenation using Python shell

>>> #String concatenation using single quotes
>>> 'Hello'+'World'
>>> #String concatenation using double quotes
>>> "Hello"+"World"
>>> #String concatenation with space
>>> 'Python'+' '+'Programming'+' '+'Language'
'Python Programming Language'


concatenation two or more string using variable

String_1='Hello' #The string is assigned to the variable 1
String_2='Pyton' #The string is assigned to the variable 2

#Two String Concatenation using (+) operator
print("String_1+String_2 :",String_1+ String_2)

String_3='Python' #The string is assigned to the variable 3
String_4='language' #The string is assigned to the variable 4

#Two String Concatenation using (+) operator
print("String_3+space+String_4 :",String_3+" "+String_4)



(‘String_1+String_2 :’, ‘HelloPyton’)
(‘String_3+space+String_4 :’, ‘Python language’)

More other concatenation methods in Python

>>> #concatenate two String using single quotes
>>> 'Hello''World'
>>> #concatenate two String using double quotes
>>> "Hello""World"
>>> #concatenate two String using single quotes with space
>>> 'Hello'" "'World'
'Hello World'
>>> #concatenate two String using double quotes with space
>>> "Hello"" ""World"
'Hello World'


Multiplication of String using (*) operator in Python

We can create multiple strings in python language

The multiply (*) operator is used for this operation

>>> #this is a string
>>> 'Python'
>>> #multiplication of the string
>>> 'Python' * 10
>>> #multiplication of the string
>>> ('Python'+' ') * 10
'Python Python Python Python Python Python Python Python Python Python '


Use[] to access character in a String

>>> Word="Hello world"
>>> letter=Word[0]
>>> print letter
>>> letter=Word[2]
>>> print letter


Suggested for you

String handling in C language


String handling in C programming language
Python Programming language Data types

I am Mr S.Karmehavannan. Founder and CEO of this website. This website specially designed for the programming learners and very especially programming beginners, this website will gradually lead the learners to develop their programming skill.

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