Write a Cpp program to print an integer
Write a Cpp program to print an integer
In this tutorial, we will discuss a simple concept of Write a Cpp program to print an integer
In this program, we are going to learn about how to print an integer number entered by the user in the Cpp programming language.

The value is stored in a variable num using cin and is displayed on the screen using cout statements
Program 1
Cpp program to print an integer – entered by the user
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int num;//variable declaration cout << "Enter an integer" << endl; cin>>num; cout<<"You entered :"<<num; return 0; }
When the above code is executed, it produces the following results
Enter an integer 65 you entered : 65
In the C++ program, the user can enter a value using cin and that value is stored in a variable named num. then prints that value using display statements(cout) in C++ language
In this program, cout provide a piece of information to the user for entering an integer value
cout << "Enter an integer" << endl;
The cin reads an input data from the user and stores in variable num
Finally, the value stored in the variable num is displayed on the screen using cout
cout<<"You entered :"<<num;
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