Usage of super in Java programming language
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Usage of super in Java programming language
Usage of super in Java programming language
In this tutorial, We will discuss Usage of super in Java programming language
super is one of the Java keywords in Java. It is a reference variable mainly used to refer to objects in the immediate parent class. This keyword is used in various ways in Java.
- The super keyword is a reference variable that is used to call objects in the immediate parent class.
- It is used inside a child class method to recall data members defined in the parent class.
- If the method is private, super cannot be used to call from the parent class.
- Only public and protected methods can be called by the super keywords.
- It is also used by class constructor to executes in the immediate parent class.
Usage of super in Java programming language
- super is used to refer to immediate parent class instance variable
- super() is used to execute immediate parent class instance constructor
- super is used to execute immediate parent class method
We can use super keyword to access the data member or field of the immediate parent class and it is used if parent class and child class have the same fields
super.base class feature
Access data member
1 super keyword is used to refer to immediate parent class instance variable. – variable level
super.base-class data member name
Access constructor
2. super() is used to invoke immediate parent class constructor. – constructor level
super.constructor_name(); super.display();
Access Method
3. super is used to invoke immediate parent class method – method level
super.method_name(); super.display();
Usage of the super keyword in Java – Diagram
Super can be used to access immediate parent only

Super keyword – Usage 1
1. Super keyword is used to immediate parent class instance variable
Program 1
class AA {//parant class int a=15; } class BB extends AA{ int a=20; void display() { System.out.println(a); //This statement display property of class BB //or property of child class System.out.println(super.a); //super keyword display imidiate parant class property //or property of parent class } public static void main(String args[]){ BB value=new BB(); value.display(); } }
When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following results
20 15
At the above program, super keyword helps to access the property of immediate parent class
Program 1
class bus{//base class, immediate parent class of car class int speed=100;//global variable inside bus class } class car extends bus{ int speed=200;//global variable inside car class void speed_car(){ //method_1 inside of car class System.out.println("The speed of car :"+speed); } void speed_bus(){ //method_2 inside of car class System.out.println("The speed of car :"+super.speed); } public static void main(String []args){ car C=new car();// create object C.speed_car();//call method C.speed_bus(); } }
When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following results
The speed of car :200
The speed of bus :100
Super keyword – Usage 2
The super keyword can be used to invoked parent class method
class Employee_Details{//Base class void get_detail(){//method inside base class System.out.println("This is an employee detail class"); } } class Clark extends Employee_Details{//sub class void get_detail(){//method inside subclass System.out.println("This is a Clark class"); } void display(){//that display() method only in Clark class get_detail(); //To call or invoked current class get_detail() method super.get_detail(); //To call or invoked parent class get_detail() method //super keyword used to invoked parent class method } } class Test_2{//testing class public static void main(String args[]){ Clark c=new Clark();//create object for Clark class c.display();//call the display() method } }
When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following results
This is a Clark class This is an employee detail class
we already have known about method overriding of Java in the previous tutorial.
When a child class declares a method which is already present in the parent class with the same name. this is called method overriding in Java language
In the above program, base class and subclass both have same methods get details().
when we call the method from child class object, the child class overridden parent class method.
But, by using the super keyword (super.method_Name) we can be called the parent class method
Super keyword – Usage 3
The super keyword can be used to invoked parent class constructor
class Vehicle{//parent class Vehicle(){//constructor for parent class System.out.println("We purchase a vehicle"); } } class Van extends Vehicle{//chile class Van(){////constructor for child class super(); System.out.println("It may be a van"); } } class Test_Vehicle{ public static void main(String args[]){ Van v=new Van(); } }
When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following results
We purchase a vehicle It may be a van
Super keyword – Usage 4
Parameterized super() call to execute parameterized constructor of the parent class
class Vehicle //parent class { Vehicle(){//no arg-constructor in parent class System.out.println("We purchase a vehicle "); } Vehicle(String str)//arg-constructor in child class { System.out.println("the vehicle consists of 50 seats "); } } class bus extends Vehicle //child class { bus()//constructor in child class { super("hello");//super keyword with argument //super() must be added to the first statement of constructure //if not, comes out compilation error System.out.println("It may be a bus "); } } class test_class1 { public static void main(String args[]){ bus b=new bus(); } }
When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following results
the vehicle consists of 50 seats It may be a bus
There are other Java language keywords that are similar to this keyword
Suggested for you
Usage of this statement in the Java language