Three Dimension Array in Java Language
Three Dimension Array in Java Language
In this tutorial, we can get to know about Three Dimension Array in Java Language.
In the Java programming language, an array is a fixed sequential collection of an element of the same data types. An array can be used to represent a list of numbers(int) or names (string) or other data type of similar elements. It is one of the ways to group similar type of data within the single variable name.
Three types of arrays in Java programming language
3. Three-dimensional array
Three-dimensional array is the collection of two-dimensional arrays in Java programming language. Three-dimensional array is also called the multidimensional array.

Declaration of the three dimensional Array
date_type[][][] arrayname;----1 or date_type [][][]arrayname;----2 or date_type arrayname [][][] ;----3
we can choose any one method
Explanation of Three dimensional Array declaration
int [][][]array;

Forming of three dimension array
data_type[][][]array_name=new data_type;
int array[][][]=new int[2][3][3];

How to find the index of 3 D Array

Above diagram describes how to find index of three dimension array. Every array has two index 0 to 1
so we can find index follows
array_name[0][0][0] //first index
array_name[0][0][1] //second index
array_name[0][1][0] //third index
array_name[0][1][1] //forth index
array_name[1][0][0] //fifth index
array_name[1][0][1] //sixthindex
array_name[1][1][0] //seven index
array_name[1][1][1] //eight index
How to initialize a 3d array in Java
Method 1
arr[0][0][0]=45; //initialize first elements of 3 d array
we can initialize every index, like this
Method 2
int[][][] arr{ { {34,67,43}, {576,697,423}, {576,697,423} }, { {39,47,33}, {376,987,453}, {57,69,42} },
program 1
class threedarrayex{ public static void main(String args[]) { int[][][]marks; //declaration of array marks=new int[2][2][2];//initiation of array //initiate elements marks[0][0][0]=25; marks[0][0][1]=15; marks[0][1][0]=20; marks[0][1][1]=05; marks[1][0][0]=10; marks[1][0][1]=13; marks[1][1][0]=12; marks[1][1][1]=30; //Display elements from array System.out.println(marks[0][0][0]); System.out.println(marks[0][0][1]); System.out.println(marks[0][1][0]); System.out.println(marks[0][1][1]); System.out.println(marks[1][0][0]); System.out.println(marks[1][0][1]); System.out.println(marks[1][1][0]); System.out.println(marks[1][1][1]); } }
When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following results
25 15 20 5 10 13 12 30
Display the element of the array using nested for loop in Java
Program 1
class threedarrayex1{ public static void main(String args[]) { int[][][]marks; //declaration of array marks=new int[2][2][2];//initiation of array //initiate elements marks[0][0][0]=25; marks[0][0][1]=15; marks[0][1][0]=20; marks[0][1][1]=05; marks[1][0][0]=10; marks[1][0][1]=13; marks[1][1][0]=12; marks[1][1][1]=30; //Display elements from array using for loop for(int i=0; i<=1; i++){ for(int j=0; j<=1; j++){ for(int k=0; k<=1; k++){ System.out.println(marks[i][j][k]); } } } } }
When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following results
25 15 20 5 10 13 12 30
program 2
class threedim_array{ public static void main(String args[]){ int[][][] arr={ { {34,67,43}, {576,697,423}, {576,587,90} }, { {39,47,33}, {376,987,453}, {57,69,42} }, }; for(int i=0; i<=1; i++){ for(int j=0; j<=2; j++){ for(int k=0; k<=2; k++){ System.out.println(arr[i][j][k]); } } } } }
When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following results
34 67 43 576 697 423 576 587 90 39 47 33 376 987 453 57 69 42
Display the element of the array using Enhanced for loop in Java
Program 1
class threedarrayex2{ public static void main(String args[]) { int[][][]marks; //declaration of array marks=new int[2][2][2];//initiation of array //initiate elements marks[0][0][0]=255; marks[0][0][1]=145; marks[0][1][0]=230; marks[0][1][1]=205; marks[1][0][0]=130; marks[1][0][1]=143; marks[1][1][0]=152; marks[1][1][1]=360; //Display elements from array using for loop for(int i[][]:marks){ for(int j[]:i){ for(int k:j){ System.out.println(k); } } } } }
When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following results
255 145 230 205 130 143 152 360
Display element in three dimension Array using nested while loop
Program 1
class ThreeDarray_while{ public static void main(String args[]){ int[][][] array; //array declaration array=new int[2][2][3]; //array initiation array[0][0][0]=967; //Assign value to array array[0][0][1]=157; array[0][0][2]=247; array[0][1][0]=933; array[0][1][1]=625; array[0][1][2]=897; array[1][0][0]=900; array[1][0][1]=287; array[1][0][2]=475; array[1][1][0]=866; array[1][1][1]=850; array[1][1][2]=747; int i=0; while(i<=1){ int j=0; while(j<=1){ int k=0; while(k<=2){ System.out.println(array[i][j][k]); k++; } j++; } i++; } } }
When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following results
967 157 247 933 625 897 900 287 475 866 850 747
Program 2
class Threedim_ArrayWhile{ public static void main(String args[]){ int[][][] arr={ { {345,687,473}, {56,97,23}, {56,87,906} }, { {389,437,323}, {376,987,453}, {567,659,42} }, }; int i=0; while(i<=1){ int j=0; while(j<=2){ int k=0; while(k<=2){ System.out.println(arr[i][j][k]); k++; } j++; } i++; } } }
When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following results
345 687 473 56 97 23 56 87 906 389 437 323 376 987 453 567 659 42
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