strlen string function in C programming language
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strlen string function in C programming language
strlen string function in C programming language
In this article, we will learn about strlen string function in C programming language and its functionality.
strlen() in C programming language returns the length of the string passed as arguments(pointed to by str). but not include the ending null character.
strlen() – this is calculates the length of a given String(String length)
The declaration for strlen() in the C language is
size_t strlen(const char *str);
Parameters or Arguments
str – This is the string, whose length is to be calculated.
the strlen() function returns the length of the given string or pointed to by str. It does not include the null character in the length calculation.
Required Header
In C Programming language, the required header for strlen() is

strlen string function in C – example
Program 1
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char firstString[20]="Hello my friends"; char secondString[20]={'H','e','l','l','o','o'}; char thirdString[20]; printf("\n\nEnter your String\n\n"); gets(thirdString); printf("\nLength of first string:%d\n",strlen(firstString)); printf("\nLength of second string:%d\n",strlen(secondString)); printf("\nLength of first string:%d\n",strlen(thirdString)); return 0; }
When above program me is compiled it will produce the following result
Enter your String Hello world Length of first string :16 Length of second string :6 Length of third string :11
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