Operator in Python
Operators in Python programming language
In this tutorial, we will discuss Operator in Python programming language

Python programming language provides a rich set of operators to manipulate variables. We can divide all the Python operators into the following groups:
Arithmetic Operators
Relational Operators
Assignment Operators
Unary Operator
Logical Operators
Bitwise Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are used to calculating mathematical expressions in the same way that they are used in algebra. The following table lists the arithmetic operators:
>>> //#example for Arithmetic operator in Python >>> //#we can use Python Shell like a calculator >>> 56+46 102 >>> 58-35 23 >>> 21*20 420 >>> 24/6 4 >>> 34%4 2 >>> 54//6 9 >>> 4**5 1024 >>>
Example 2
>>> x=12 >>> y=5 >>> print("x+y =",x+y) ('x+y =', 17) >>> print("x-y =",x-y) ('x-y =', 7) >>> print("x*y =",x*y) ('x*y =', 60) >>> print("x/y=",x/y) ('x/y=', 2) >>> print("x%y=",x%y) ('x%y=', 2) >>> print("x//y=",x//y) ('x//y=', 2) >>> print("x**y=",x**y) ('x**y=', 248832) >>>
Assignment Operator
In the Python programming language, assignment operators are used to assigning a value to a particular variable
for example – x=10 is a simple assignment operator that assigns the value 10 to the variable x
Python assignment operators and examples are shown below.
>>> >>> x=16 >>> y=4 >>> z=x+y >>> z 20 >>> x+=y >>> x 20 >>> x+=y >>> x 24 >>> x/=y >>> x 6 >>> x*=y >>> x 24 >>> x&=y >>> >>> x 0 >>>
>>> >>> x=5 >>> y=3 >>> >>> x**y 125 >>> x=5 >>> y=3 >>> x**=y >>> >>> x 125 >>> x//=y >>> x 41 >>> x^=y >>> x 42 >>> x>>=y >>> x 5 >>> x<<=y >>> x 40 >>>
Relational Operators- (comparison operator)
Relational operators are used to finding the relationship(compare) of values. It returns either true or false according to the given condition
>>> >>> 15>12 True >>> 13>56 False >>> 23<45 True >>> 35<28 False >>> 15==15 True >>> 15==16 False >>> 34!=23 True >>> 37!=37 False >>> 12<=23 True >>> 34<=23 False >>> 25>=25 True >>> 34>=35 False >>>
Logical Operator
Three logical operators are available in the Python language. likeĀ and, not, or
>>> >>> >>> x=True >>> y=False >>> >>> x and y False >>> x and x True >>> y and y False >>> >>> x or y True >>> x or x True >>> y or y False >>> >>> not x False >>> not y True >>> >>>
Special operators
Some type of special operators available in Python language for the special purpose
Identify Operators
Python language provides some identity operators for identification purpose
They are used to check when two values are located in the same memory location. It returns either true or false
>>> a=5 >>> b=5 >>> c='Hello world' >>> d='hello World' >>> e=[34,56,78,43] >>> f=[34,65,78,43] >>> print(a is b) True >>> print(a is not b) False >>> print(c is d) False >>> print(c is not d) True >>> print(e is f) False >>> print(e is not f) True >>>
Membership Operators
Python language provides some membership operators for a value or variable is found in a given sequence
>>> >>> x='Python language' //string >>> y={1,'H',2,'e',3,'l'} //tuple >>> z=[34,67,85,43,25] //list >>> >>> print('h' in x) True >>> print('b' in x) False >>> print(3 in y) True >>> print(5 in y) False >>> print(85 in z) True >>> print(75 in z) False >>>
Bitwise operators
learn more about Python bitwise operator
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