Keywords in C programming language
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Keywords in C programming language
Keywords in C programming language
In this tutorial we will learn about Keywords in C programming language

C language have a set of keyword (approximately 32 keyword) to write and expand C program. This is also known as reserved words. It already have with pre-defined and can not be used to a variable or other identifier name
1. auto –auto is a keyword in C language,which is using to declares automatic variable in C programming language
2. break – break is a keyword any loop use to (for loop , while loop) and switch case statements which is used to stop the current execution
3. continue – Typically use continue keyword is while and do while loop and it is skipping the rest of the current statements and continue and perform nest iteration
4. switch – switch statement is used to executes a block of case statements when expression is true or false
expression is true – return any one case statement
expression is false- return default statement
5. case – Case keyword is used to declare cases in switch statements
6. default – This statement is used to switch case statement of when return false display default statements
7. char – the cher keyword use to declares a character variable
8. const – This keyword used to declares a constant in C language
9. do – it is used to looping statement – do-while loop
10. double– this keyword is used to declare floating type variable
11. float – this keyword is used to declare floating type variable
12. if – if keyword is used to decision making with else keyword(optional)
13. else – else is a keyword using with if condition
14.enum – enum keyword is used to declared enumeration type variable
15. extern – extern keyword is used to indicates the present storage and initial value of variable or function(Externel linkage)
16. for – for is a keyword using looping statements used to for loop in C language –
17. goto – This keyword is used to jump of the flow of control from one to another
18. int – The int keyword used to declare integer type of variable
19. short – The short keyword is a type of modifier to declare type of value as short
20. long – The long keyword is a type of modifier to declare type of value as long
21. signed and unsigned – The long keyword is a type of modifier to declare type of value as signed and unsigned
22. return – It is used to returning a value current executing function immediately
23.sizeof – It is an operator to use know the size
24. register – The register keyword is used to declare a registor variable which are much faster than normal variable
25. static – static keyword is used to create a static object it may be applied to variable and function
26. struct – It is used in structure for grouping of data type in a single record like union
27. typedef – The typedef keyword is used to explicitly associate a type with an identifier
28. union – It is a collection of variables like struct , which is used to share the same memory location
29. void – Void is used as a retun type in a function, void means declared function does not return a value
30. volatile – The volatile keyword is used for creating volatile object
31. while – while keyword is most general used to looping statements. it returns a boolean value for execution
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