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Java Basic

Java Basic

Java is an easy to understand and easy to use the programming language with object-oriented programming concept.

Java was developed by Sun microSystem inc in 1991 by a group including James Gosling. Afterwards, it was acquired by Oracle Corporation. – Read more

James Gosling starts a project named Green project’s, the purpose was to develop a language for digital devices in 1991 such as set-top box, television etc.. which resulted in the development of Java. Read more


Java can be obtained from the Oracle Java download page. There are a number of different Java packages available according to the operating system. In this tutorial, we will learn to install Java Standard Edition (SE) on Windows. Read more

A program written in a high-level language is known as a source program or source code.

A source program must be translated into machine code for execution as a computer cannot understand a source program. – Read more

If you want to work in Java of your computer you must be set path on your system for Java after Java installation – Read more

Java offers many good features for programmers such as object-oriented, portable, simple, secured etc….

Some of the major Java features are is given below with an explanation.Read more

in Java programming language. As we know, Java has many flavours and versions. All categories of Java has been divided into 3 division and by learning each version of java, we can develop various kind of applications.Read more

Naming Convention in Java language is a rule to follow as you decide what to name your identifiers such as class, package, variable, constant, methods etc.- Read more

  • Data type and variable in Java

Data type and variables is an important concept in Java. Data types represent the different values to be stored in the variable and there are two types of data types In Java. – Read more

  • Keyword in Java

In the Java programming language, keywords are reserved words for programming capability. it is used in variables, method, class or as any other identifiers but programmers cannot use keywords as the name of variables, methods, classes, and other identifiers – Read more

  • Reserved words in java

Reserve word is similar to the keyword in java programming language but it has different uses. – Read more

  • Operators in Java

Java provides a rich set of the operator (different type)to manipulate variables. We can divide all the Java operators into the following groups:  Read more