
Introduction of Java programming language

Introduction of Java programming language

In this tutorial, I will introduction the Java programming language.

Java is an easy to understand and easy to use the programming language with object-oriented programming concept.

Java was developed by Sun microSystem inc in 1991 by a group including James Gosling. Afterwards, it was acquired by Oracle Corporation. Read more about Java History

Java is a popular general-purpose programming language built for multi-purpose including computing. It’s simple programming language is ideal for coding, compiling and easy debugging.

Now Java is run in about 3 billion devices in the world and it is increasing day by day. Now, there are many applications, websites and devices run with Java installation

Java has many features for coding and developing purposes. It is simplified for the programmers. Java is/has:

  1. platform independent
  2. Object-oriented language
  3. Simple language
  4. Robust Language
  5. Secure language
  6. Java is distributed
  7. Multi-threading
  8. Portable

Read more – Features of Java language

Component of JDK

Java is a package that contains many components  including JRE, JVM,  JDK

Java Development Kit

JDK or Java Development Kit provides the environment to write web, develop the desktop application and run the Java program.

JDK=JRE+Development tool

JDK includes the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), an interpreter/class loader (Java), a compiler (javac is a java compiler), applet viewer, an archiver (jar), debugging tools, Javadoc and other tools needed in Java development.

Java Runtime Environment

JRE is a part of the JDK (Java Development Kit) which contains a set of Java tools, JVM and necessary files to allow running the Java program.

Java Virtual Machine

JVM has a flowing component such as the class loader, Bytecode verifier, Security manager and executive engine.

JVM  loads and executes the class file.

Java program execution has many phases:

  1. program writing using Java language
  2. Javac is a Java compiler used to compile Java program and generate output in bytecode.
  3. JVM compiles the bytecode generated by the compiler.
  4. Java bytecode runs on any machine or hardware(any environment). It gives the same output when executed by JVM.
How to work JVM

JVM has a main role in Java file execution. When the java compiler provides a class file to JVM,  JVM returns a machine code to access any platform or any top of hardware.

Role of JVM

Role of JVM

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I am Mr S.Karmehavannan. Founder and CEO of this website. This website specially designed for the programming learners and very especially programming beginners, this website will gradually lead the learners to develop their programming skill.

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