
Hello world program in C programming language

Hello world program in C programming language

C “Hello world”program

In this tutorial, we will discuss Hello world program in C programming language

Hello World

Hello, word program is a very simple program for beginners in C language with few lines of coding and is easy to understand.

If you want to run this program on your system, you must have a text editor and compiler of C language.

Program display hello world

#include <stdio.h>//header file for stranded input output 

int main()//main method in C language
    printf("Hello world!\n");//display statements
    return 0;//return statements

When the above code is executed, it produces the following results:

Hello world!

Part of this program

We can divide the program of 5 section for easy to understand the program flow


  • Header file
  • Main function
  • Some pre-defined functions
  • return statement

Header file

#include<stdio.h> is a header file for standard input and output library functions. The print() and scanf() pre-defined functions are defined in this header file


Main function

void main() – This is the main function in C Language. the void is a return statement and void never returns a value. main() is the main method and it indicates the start of execution of the program. So main is the Entry point to the every C program.


Some pre-defined functions

getch()- used to clean the screen


Return statements

return 0; – This is the ending point of every C Program


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I am Mr S.Karmehavannan. Founder and CEO of this website. This website specially designed for the programming learners and very especially programming beginners, this website will gradually lead the learners to develop their programming skill.

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