pre-define maths function in C

fabs Arithmetic function in C programming Language

fabs Arithmetic function in C programming Language

We will learn about fabs Arithmetic function in C programming Language

In the C Programming Language, the fabs() arithmetic function returns the absolute value of a floating point.



The syntax of  the fabs() function in the C programming Language

double fabs(double x);

parameters or Argument

x is the parameter or argument of this function to convert to an absolute value;

Return value

When a value is passed for x, this function returns the absolute value of x

Required Header

In the C Language, the required header file for fabs() function is

#include <math.h>


The following example explains the usage of fabc() function

Program 1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
    double a=345.93,b=-57.34;//assign variables
    printf("the absolute value of a: %f\n",fabs(a));
    printf("te absolute value of b: %f\n",fabs(b));
//display fabs values of given value
    return 0;


When the above program is compiled and run, it will produce the following result

the absolute value of a:345.930000

the absolute value of a:57.340000


Program 2

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
    double value1, value2,result1,result2;//declare local variable
    printf("Enter the positive float value :");
    scanf("%lf",&value1);//get input for value1
    printf("Enter the Negative float value :");
    scanf("%lf",&value2);//get input for value1
    result1=fabs(value1);//find and assign absolute value to result1
    result2=fabs(value2);//find and assign absolute value to result1
    printf("fabs value of  %lf  is : %.2lf\n",value1,result1);
    printf("fabs value of %lf  is : %.2lf\n",value2,result2);
    //display result of given values
    return 0;


When the above program is compiled and run , it will produce the following result

Enter the positive float value: 45.65
Enter the positive float value: -34.67
fabs value of 45.650000 is : 45.65
fabs value of 34.670000 is : 34.67


Similar Functions

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I am Mr S.Karmehavannan. Founder and CEO of this website. This website specially designed for the programming learners and very especially programming beginners, this website will gradually lead the learners to develop their programming skill.

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