Category Archives: function/method
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- Categories: Function in Python, function/method
Python program to find the power of a number using recursion
Python program to find the power of a number using recursion In this tutorial, we discuss the concept of Python program to find the power of a number using recursion In this post, we can calculate power of a number using recursion in Python language Program def power(base,exp):#function declaration if(exp==1): return(base) if(exp!=1): return (base*power(base,exp-1)) base=int(input(“Enter…
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- Categories: function in C++, function/method
Recursion in Cpp programming language
Recursion in Cpp programming language In this tutorial, we will discuss recursion in Cpp programming language A function calling itself is called a recursive function. another word, a function calling from the definition of the same function is known the recursive function and this procedure is known as recursion Example of recursion function How recursion…
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- Categories: function/method
Recursion in C programming language
Recursion in C programming language In this tutorial, we will discuss recursion in C programming language A function calling itself during its execution. it is called a recursive function. another word, a function calling from the definition of the same function is known as a recursion Example of recursive function The flow of…
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- Categories: Function in Python, function/method
Python language Recursive function
Python language Recursive function In this tutorial, we discuss Python language Recursive function. When a function calls itself it is called as recursion. The python language allows creating the recursive function to perform a special task The following example explains how to find the adding of the limited natural numbers using the recursive function Example…
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- Categories: addition, Calculations, Function in Python, function/method
Python program to add two number using function
Python program to add two number using function In this tutorial, we will discuss Python program to add two number using function In this topic, we will learn a simple concept of how to add two numbers using the function in the Python programming language already we learned the same this concept using the operator in a…
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- Categories: C++ Oop, function in C++, function/method
Type of user defined function in Cpp language
Type of user defined function in C++ language In this tutorial, we will discuss Type of user defined function in C++ language Already, we would learn about Type of user-defined function in C language. Now we get to know Type of user-defined function in C++ language. The user defines functions are categorized are: Function with no…
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- Categories: function/method, Oop Java
Method in Java programming language with example
Method in Java programming language with example In this tutorial, We will learn about Method in Java programming language with an example. Method in Java The method is an important concept in Object-oriented programming languages(Oop). In the Java programming language, a method is a segment of code referred to by a name that does a…
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- Categories: function in C, function/method
User defined function in C programming language
User defined function in C programming language We will learn about User defined function in the C programming language. C programming language allows coders to define functions to perform special tasks. As functions are defined by users, they are called user-defined functions. user-defined functions have contained the block of statements which are written by the…
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