C++ program to reverse a number using loops

C++ program to reverse a number using loops

In this article, we will discuss the concept of the C++ program to reverse a number using loops

In this post, we are going to learn how to find reverse number of the given number in C++ programming language

C++ program to reverse a number using loops
Reversed number

Cpp code to reverse a number using for loop

Program 1

The program allows  the user to enter a number and it displays the reverse pattern of the given number using for loop in C++ language

when you are entered 56789,
The output will be displayed as 98765 using the program

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int number,reversed_num=0;
    cout << "Enter a number for find reverse" << endl;

    cin>>number; //Taking a number as an input and stores number variable
    cout << "you entered: "<<number;
    for(; number!=0;){
       number=number/10;//updating statements
    cout << "\nReversed number is: "<<reversed_num;
    return 0;

When the above code is executed, it produces the following result

C++ program to reverse a number using loops
Program 1


  • Declare and initialize two variables as follows int number,reversed_Num=0;
  • The user is asked to enter a number and it is stored in the integer variable of ‘number
  • The for loop is used to find the reversed number of the given number
  • The for loop is functioning until ‘ number‘ is not equal to zero
  • Finally, the output is displayed as the reversed number

Cpp code to reverse a number using while loop

Program 2

The program allows  the user to enter a number and it displays the reverse pattern of the given number using while loop in C++ language

when you are entered 234567,
The output will be displayed as 765432 using the program


#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int number,reversed_num=0;
    cout << "Enter a number for find reverse" << endl;

    cin>>number; //Taking a number as an input and stores number variable
    cout << "you entered: "<<number;
    cout << "\nReversed number is: "<<reversed_num;
    return 0;

When the above code is executed, it produces the following result

C++ program to reverse a number using loops
Program 2




  • Declare and initialize two variables as follows int number,reversed_Num=0;
  • The user is asked to enter a number and it is stored in the integer variable of ‘number
  • The while loop is used to find the reversed number of the given number
  • The while loop is functioning until ‘ number‘ is not equal to zero
  • Finally, the output is displayed as the reversed number


Cpp code to reverse a number using do-while loop

Program 3

The program allows  the user to enter a number and it displays the reverse pattern of the given number using do-while loop in C++ language

when you are entered 654321,
The output will be displayed as 123456 using the program

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int number,reversed_num=0;
    cout << "Enter a number for find reverse" << endl;

    cin>>number; //Taking a number as an input and stores number variable
    cout << "you entered: "<<number;
    cout << "\nReversed number is: "<<reversed_num;
    return 0;

When the above code is executed, it produces the following result


  • Declare and initialize two variables as int number,reversed_Num=0;
  • The user is asked to enter a number and it is stored in the integer variable of ‘number
  • The do-while loop is used to find the reversed number of the given number
  • The do-while loop is functioning until ‘ number‘ is not equal to zero
  • Finally, the output is displayed as the reversed number


Suggested post

For loop in C++ language

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Do-while loop in C++ language


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By Karmehavannan

I am Mr S.Karmehavannan. Founder and CEO of this website. This website specially designed for the programming learners and very especially programming beginners, this website will gradually lead the learners to develop their programming skill.


  1. Can you reverse numbers such as Input= 123 456 0 Output = 321 654. Input must end with 0(zero). Output shouldn’t show 0(zero)

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