C++ program to Check Vowel or consonant using switch case
C++ program to Check Vowel or consonant using switch case
In this article, we will discuss the concept of the C++ program to Check Vowel or consonant using switch case statements
In this post, we are going to learn how to check the vowels and consonants using switch statements in the C++ programming language

Check Vowel or consonant using switch case statements with the break
The program allows to enter an Alphabet and it checks and displays whether the given alphabet is vowel or consonant with the break statements
Program 1
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { char ch; cout<<"Enter any Alpabet\n"; //input alphabet from user cin>>ch;//store the Entered Alphabet in ch switch(ch){ //check lower case vowel letters case 'a': cout<<ch<<" is a vowel"; break; case 'e': cout<<ch<<" is a vowel"; break; case 'i': cout<<ch<<" is a vowel"; break; case 'o': cout<<ch<<" is a vowel"; break; case 'u': cout<<ch<<" is a vowel"; break; //check upper case vowel letters case 'A': cout<<ch<<" is a vowel"; break; case 'E': cout<<ch<<" is a vowel"; break; case 'I': cout<<ch<<" is a vowel"; break; case 'O': cout<<ch<<" is a vowel"; break; case 'U': cout<<ch<<" is a vowel"; break; default: cout<<ch<<" is a consonant"; break; } getch(); return 0; }
When the above code is executed, it produces the following result
case 1
Enter any Alphabet u u is a vowel
case 2
Enter any Alphabet I I is a vowel
case 3
Enter any Alphabet N N is a consonant
case 4
Enter any Alphabet d d is a consonant
- Define a character variable char ch
- The program is asked the user to enter an Alphabets for check whether a vowel or a consonant
- Entered character is stored in the ch variable
- Define cases for the character ch with vowel character both capital and small
- Next, the program checks every case using the given character.
- Finally, it displays whether the given character is vowel or consonant
Check Vowel or consonant using switch case statements without the break
The program allows to enter an Alphabet and it checks and displays whether the given alphabet vowel or consonant without the break statements
Program 2
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { char ch; cout<<"Enter any Alpabet\n"; //input alphabet from user cin>>ch;//store the Entered Alphabet in ch switch(ch){ //check lower case vowel letters case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': //check upper case vowel letters case 'A': case 'E': case 'I': case 'O': case 'U': cout<<ch<<" is a vowel"; break; default: cout<<ch<<" is a consonant"; break; } getch(); return 0; }
When the above code is executed, it produces the following result
case 1
Enter any Alphabet i i is a vowel
case 2
Enter any Alphabet U U is a vowel
case 3
Enter any Alphabet H H is a consonant
case 4
Enter any Alphabet b b is a consonant
- Define a character variable ch to check the entered character
- The program is asked the user to enter an Alphabets for check whether a vowel or a consonant
- Entered character is stored in the ch variable
- Define cases for the character ch with vowel character both capital and small
- Next, the program checks every case using the given character.
- Finally, it displays whether the given character is vowel or consonant
Suggested for you
Data type in C++ language
Switch case statements in C++ language
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